If there was ever any doubt before, I'm sure about it now. I must be crazy.Honey and I have decided to adopt another dog. This time an 8 month old puppy. His name was Morgan, but we have changed it to Bailey. He is a rescue dog. He was not abused, but was certainly neglected. He is a Shih Tzu who came to us by way of Honey's sister. Here is his before picture. We went to the vet and got his shots and then on to the groomer. What a difference a haircut can make. He weighed in at 10.5 pounds at the vet and 9 pounds after his cut. Amazing!
So much to learn. He was litter box trained, but not house broken. He also had no manners, none of the things you would expect from an 8 month old. No sit, stay, or down. No leash training, just a lot of energy. Soooo, we have been working on Bailey's manners. He is doing great by the way. He has that willingness to please that I must say Charlie (my Pyrenees) never really had. Bailey is almost potty trained now, although he still occasionally forgets he's not allowed to mark in the house. That is becoming less and less often. He can sit and lay down. He will wait at a door when you open it and he's starting to get along with the other boys. Initially he did not care to run with the pack, that is also changing.
He's the sweetest little thing when he's not getting into trouble (like any puppy). I'm so excited and have such high hopes for him.
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